Sunday, April 4, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

It has been far too long since I last posted, and I apologize. I have been beyond busy, but will hopefully make the longest post of my life to get everyone updated.

The remainder of my week in North Carolina was wonderful. I truly hated to leave. I have a feeling that I will always feel a part of me is missing with Ashley living so far away. I'm happy for her, though. She has a great life going for her there. While I was there she got a new BIG GIRL job! Congratulations, Ashley! I couldn't be happier about it or about being there during the process of the whole thing. I felt it was a huge deal for her and I was ecstatic to be apart of it. :) Of course, I cried my eyes out when I had to come home. I'm trying to build a good life here for myself, but it's hard when your best friends live so far away. :( 

Coming back meant getting back into school and dealing with everything that comes with it. I am having a difficult time staying focused this semester. I feel like I have been in school for so long. I would love nothing more than to take a semester or so off, but I know if I did that I wouldn't come back. It's just really difficult for me to keep my eye on the main goal. I just wish they'd give me my diploma and certification and let me move on with my life. I get like this sometimes...usually in the spring semester when I'm longing for summer and I forget why I have to go to school in the first place. I am constantly trying to plan out classes to see when I will be done, sadly it all comes out to December 2012, so I guess I'll have to deal with that and get over my laziness and desire to do nothing. Haha! Just kidding. I'm just ready to close this chapter and move on to something bigger and a REAL job and a Masters degree!! :D

On the school note, I'm now the executive editor of UNA's yearbook. I haven't done much with it so far, but I am excited about it.  I think Christopher has taught me well and I'll be able to handle it (plus it pays for school), I'm just afraid that my desire to get out of school will leak over into that responsibility. Surely it won't. I think I can hold my own and be a big girl! Haha!

Yesterday was the Walk for Autism. There weren't too many people there, but it was a lot of fun! We raised a lot of money for the Autism Society of Alabama, and therefore it was worth my time. :) I hope to get involved with the Special Olympics or doing some kind of volunteer work to work with disabled children. If anyone knows any information on how to do that, let me know. K? Thanks.

Todayyyy is Easter! Wes and I went to church at home and he got to meet the whole family (meaning Daddy, Lynn, Jordan, Kim, Rodney, the boys, and Rachel). It went extremely well. Everyone liked him, and he liked everyone. :) Daddy and him are going to play golf eventually. Haha! I'm glad they liked each other, though. I think he might be around for awhile. :) We've almost dated for 11 months now! eek!! 

Tomorrow is Ella's 1st birthday!!! I believe it's Furby's, too. I'm happy and excited for her, but my sweet baby is growing up. :( I think I'm going to go get her some treats tomorrow to celebrate. I doubt she'll have any idea what's going on, though. She was at Momma's today and apparently was bitten by a spider or something and has a big blood red spot on her tummy. Momma's puppy, Ally, had the same thing after being in that crate. I'm gonna squash that bug for hurting my baby. Jerk.

I have a test Tuesday morning and work tomorrow morning at 6 AM, and then a hair appointment at 2:30...when I will be dying my hair lighter. AH! I'm excited, but superrrr nervous. I'll post a picture or two when I do it. 

Stay tuned, folks!!

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