Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bippity boo.

Well, here I am again. Ready to update you on my life. Nothing too exciting has happened. 

I'm changing departments at work. I'm going from working in the warehouse to working at customer service. boo. My least favorite part of all of having to wear khaki pants again. I just went to The Gap and found a nice pair of dress khaki pants. The best part of that is that fact that they were normally $59.50 and I paid $22.77 (including tax)! Unfortunately though, I am very picky with I wear and have decided I do not have any shoes to wear with them, so that is my next search. 

But enough about boring you with that...

Hey! If you ever wanna feel absolutely horrible about your own body, go shopping for bathing suits on Victoria's Secret's website! I just made that mistake.

But while we're on the subject...
I've been trying to get toned and in shape again. The problem with that is that I just want it to happen...I don't really wanna work at it. Haha! The hardest part of it is learning to eat healthier. I think if I ate healthier then I would feel better about myself and be more energized to go to the gym. Ragh. Today is not the best day to be updating. I'm clearly not in a happy talking mood. 

On to things bigger than me and much more depressing!

That is a picture of a wave in the Gulf of Mexico. I think it's finally hit me just how bad it is. It kills me. I understand things happen, but it's ridiculous how lazy people are. For whatever reason, people --seemingly especially Americans--think that things won't happen to them, hence why no one was prepared for this. But why?! Because of the carelessness surrounding this, there will be helpless wildlife killed, families vacations ruined, and the beauty of our beaches lost. You would think that people would get their crap together and realize that America is not above being attacked by natural or man-inflicted (or influenced) disasters. Hurricane Katrina is another example of this. Crap's gonna happen. When will we learn to be prepared in the best way possible. I've seen on the news that the "plan" for such an event as the spill has just kinda been "shared" by everyone. It refers to saving the walruses, which is great! I'd hate for the walruses in the gulf to become extinct! They're also reporting that the guy that made the plan has been dead for five years. Personally, this isn't relevant to me. It shouldn't all fall back on one guy. It's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but I just wish some Americans would quit thinking we're invincible and start realizing that crap is going to happen, yes, even to us.

I've got nothing else. 
But I love you all!
(hopefully it won't be another 3 months before I update again!)