Saturday, December 17, 2011

This blog is dead.

Dead as a door nail. It's sad. It never really saw its prime, but I also did not have time to utilize it.

I have just endured the most difficult semester of my life [resulting in 2 A's and 3 B's], and I have been admitted to intern next semester. Starting January 11, I will be a student teacher at—I'm not sure yet. I will find out Tuesday. I'm looking forward to knowing, though.

I will have some assignments and junk I have to complete, but for the most part, I am not going to have papers to write or any way to practice my writing, so I want to start a blog that is about my student teaching. I have some stipulations about this. I won't necessarily write something every single day about my classroom or my experience, but I will also be writing about my development as a teacher. I want to do a few article reviews and share ideas I have for my classroom. I want to actually share this blog with other people and future interns.

As lame as some of my colleagues think it is, we made a promise to be life-long learners, and I am very serious about that. I want to learn the best practices for my classroom and never get comfortable. This will hopefully help me not to get complacent. If I ever have nothing to write about, then there's something wrong.

I'm looking into getting this thing started on Monday. I want to share my fears, hopes, and anxiety before I find out where I am going to be. Then I will continue to share where I am placed and so on.

This is something I really want to take seriously. It's actually something I'm passionate about, so surely I can make it happen.

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