Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 1 of C25K

Wes and I started with week one today! We  ran across Patton Island Bridge (which has a gorgeous view of the river below). The program starts out with you starting out at a brisk walk for 5 minutes, then alternates with 60 seconds of running and 90 of briskly walking. You should that 8 times. I was thinking it would be a piece of cake, and it was...until the last two intervals of running. The last one I really had to push myself, but I completed it! Then we just walked all the way back across. The walk back felt good, too. We kept up a good pace and just kinda took it all in. We discussed it and agreed that it's not too much to burn you out on it, but it is enough to push you and make you sweat. I really enjoyed it! We'll stay with week one until next Sunday. We are going to be running Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. If I didn't say this in my last post, it's a 9 week program. I think there's a 5k in October, so depending on the date, Wes and I may be able to enter it! I'll update Tuesday with how that day's run went! I'm actually really excited about it!


  1. This is very exciting, Amber! It sounds awesome! You are doing a great job already. I hope you enjoy your walk/run tonight! Keep it up!!

  2. Well, by running Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday...I really meant Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday! We chose those days because Sundays we always close at 7, so neither one of us will be working past 7:30! Then Tuesdays, I am always off for school and he is off from work, and Thursdays I'm off for school and he's off usually by no later than 5! So no excuses! I'm very serious about doing this! Thanks, though! I'm excited. Plus! if we do it for the full 9 weeks (which we will) then we'll have done it 27 times, which is the number of times you do something to make it a habit. Oh, girl. We got this! There's also a Liz Hurley Breast Cancer 5k in October that I might try to do, but I don't think Wes is interested. We'll see, though. :) :) :)
