Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm so lame.

I've already admitted that this year will be my toughest year in college. I'm taking 15 hours for the first time in quite some time, I've got about 50 observation hours to complete, I'm executive editor of yearbook, and I've also got to work and make money! All of this I've dealt with before, except the executive editor thing. Last year I was an associate editor, but now I'm actually over the whole thing which means I have to plan everything, oversee the whole ordeal, and make sure we have everything we need to do the book (which might sound easy...but no, it's not). My brain is not in the mode I need it to be in to handle all of this. I'm trying to stay on top of things, but it feels like there's so much that needs to be done and I almost don't know where to begin. I've gotta stay on top of it, though. I know I can do it. I've just gotta stay calm and not stress. :)

I need encouraging words!


  1. First of all, I sent you Jessica's Daily Affirmation yesterday. Apparently that wasn't encouraging enough!

    Secondly, you may not be wonder woman, but God made you wonderful! (Cheesy line of the day, but I meant it!) Stay motivated and don't give up before you even get started. You need to focus and discipline yourself to complete all that you are DESIRING to complete this semester. You are capable and you are going to do great things!

    Lastly, God has been teaching me a lot on "Gospel-centeredness," which simply refers to Christianity relying on the Gospel alone instead of anything else (i.e., moralism, for you and I have been discussing). The fact is that being a Christian doesn't complete all your tasks for you. You don't necessarily become more organized or "better" at daily tasks simply because your a Christian. Non-Christians can do that just like Christians can with self-discipline. The difference is found in the relationship with Jesus Christ. There is REST in Jesus Christ. There is mercy in Jesus Christ. There is forgiveness in Jesus Christ...and motivation...and strength...and discipline if we rely upon Him. Don't know if that settles in your heart like it does mine when I look at the craziness of life, but I wanted to share.

    Apparently, I just blog-posted on your blog. Sorry about that. I LOVE YOU!!
