Monday, April 27, 2009

I got the new position that I wanted at work. I'm not even sure I ever mentioned it in here, but Best Buy was undergoing some changes and my department was being split. I'm now working in the warehouse, which means I'll be working 7AM every day! WHOOO. 

I also haven't heard anything about my scholarship. I'm starting to get annoyingly anxious. I don't like not knowing.

So here is my schedule for the next two weeks (starting with today...)
Monday, 27: Class, Math Test, and work to find out where I'll be, STUDYING.
Tuesday, 28: Getting up to take a make up quiz at 7AM, class, then studying all niiiiiight.
Wednesday, 29: Earth Science Test, class, and then work at 3 til 9.
Thursday, 30: It's SUPPOSED to be dead day, but I have to work at 3 til 9.
Friday, 1: Earth Science Comprehensive Final...UGH! Going home that night...
Saturday, 2: Studying all day long for finals...
Sunday, 3: Church, Ashley's bridal Shower at church, driving back to Florence, more studying...
Monday, 4: Political Science comprehensive final at 8 AM...ugh!
Tuesday, 5: Math Final... oh boy! 
I have another final thrown in there somewhere, but I don't know exactly where yet!
Friday, 8: SUPPOSED to move into my apartment, but I don't know exactly when I'll be able to, work 3-9.
Saturday, 9: Ashley's graduation at 10AM in Mississippi, work 3-9.
Sunday, 10: Mother's Day! ...I'll probably have to work. 

Somewhere in there I will have to pick up furniture and move in (probably the week following, because I won't have school and I don't know how much I'll work...we'll see.) Needless to say, I'm going to be busy! Right now, I need to study.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sometimes, even when nothing's actually wrong, you just need a good cry. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

He looks much better as Rob Pattinson. Edward would never smoke.

not that I'm remotely attracted to guys that smoke...


oh. my. gosh. 

I'm not really wanting to be one of those panicky, ridiculous teenagers, but this is quite possibly one of the hottest, bad boy pictures I've seen...and it just increases it that much more that it is Rob Pattinson. 


I'm going to go buy GQ magazine tonight. You better believe it.

SO! Now that I've gotten that over with, let's discuss the other things going on.

I am the associate editor of yearbook at UNA. I don't know really know if I've already mentioned that. I haven't actually started yet, and I don't really know when I will. I also have absolutely no idea about the scholarship. I will update that as soon as I know. :)

Even bigger new(!) is that I just put down a deposit on my first apartment! I'm super excited about it. I get to do all the grown up things, you know, like cooking dinner and running my own home. Ha! Did I mention I'm terrified? :) I am living alone, but I know a few people in the complex, so I'll be fine. I needed a place of my own. I'm looking forward to getting out of this dorm! I should move in around May 8th. Wish me luck.

So, finals are coming up. School is almost over. I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier. I'm looking forward to summer, but I'm a little wary about it because Will is going to be going home, and I'll be here the whole my new apartment. HA! So, if anyone in Florence reads this and wants to hang out, let me know. I won't have too much going on...until July when I'll be going back to school for one class! GREAT!

I need coffee.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The times they are a changin'...

Wow! It's been so long since I last posted. I apologize! ...not that really too many people read this!


Thank God! It's been tough to say the least. I really never thought I'd make it, guys. Really. It never seemed like it would come to a close, yet here we are--a little over a week away from finals. Ah. It's such a bittersweet time. I'm stressed about the upcoming exams, but let's talk about some of the happier things up ahead:

The end of the semester means the end of my time being incarcerated in a dorm! It was always my choice to stay in a dorm because I felt like it would help me meet more people and what not. That definitely was NOT the case. I don't regret the decision to do it necessarily. I think it is an experience most everyone should have. I've been there. I've done that. I'm ready to get out---which is why I'm getting an apartment!!! [insert applause and cheering here] I'm excited about it. A full size fridge, kitchen, stove(!), a microwave over 600 watts!! Oh my gosh. I'm going to be living it up! I found this cute little one bedroom apartment in a nice quit apartment complex (filled mostly with retirees). I'm such an old person. I don't care for the "college experience".  I'm here to get in, get out, and get on with my life. The apartment deal isn't completely finalized yet, but I hope (and pray) it's going to happen. Well, actually, it needs to happen...someone's already claimed my current room in the dorm for next semester! Ha!

Honestly, that's really all there is to discuss currently. I mean, another good thing is that my class got canceled tomorrow and I'm off work, which means I have a whole day of nothingness (which will be filled up with catching up on any schoolwork I'm behind in and some slight final studying, but hey, it's still a "day off"!). 

I'm all of a sudden exhausted. Goodnight, all!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Deary me.

Homework overload! UGH! 

I'll update soon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Crap for brains!

I finally have that interview off my shoulders. I didn't do as awful as I had anticipated, but did I mention I get all red and and hot, too? Ugh. It was horrid. I'm sure they all loved watching my face turn 12 shades of red! It would have been a sight to see! 

Other than that, I'll find out within two weeks who will actually receive the positions and the scholarships. Let's all keep our fingers crossed, because I'm needing that scholarship! 

Sandwiches That Kill - The Daily Beast

Our children are now taught that a classmate might die right in front of them if they bring PB&J for lunch. Where were these kids when we were in school?

Posted using ShareThis

One and One and One is Three!

The day is not over, but I have a little down time, so I thought I'd write a bit. 

Due to my staying up so late last night, I ended up sleeping through the four alarms I set and didn't wake up until 8:40 this morning. I had a class at 9 that I can't miss anymore, so I went to class, unshowered and unkempt. It was glorious. My class after that got canceled, though, so I got to come back and shower before heading to my 11 am class.

I'm currently waiting to go interview for an editor position for the Flor-Ala (my college newspaper). Honestly, I don't think my chances of getting it are very large, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I hate interviews. I get all stuttery and sweaty and nervous. Ugh. They're dreadful. I have a hard time explaining conveying my full personality and abilities to someone in the short amount of time given in an interview. Perhaps it'll work out better than I think, but I'm not expecting much. I'm a little disappointed because I can't wear my planned outfit due to the 30 degree weather outside.

Speaking of! I got pelted with ice earlier walking to class. It was like hailing/sleeting. It was awful. I had an umbrella, but it didn't do much for me. Stupid southern, bipolar weather.  

So I posted the below "Share this" thing because I found it humorous. They evacuated a school bus for a "stray peanut"! Has kids allergies just become worse? Am I just insensitive to these things? Perhaps so. Maybe it's because I don't have kids, but I just don't see the point of making a big deal out of things that aren't necessary. If you read the article, she talks about a woman who said that her kid carries an EpiPen IN CASE he suddenly develops an allergy to peanuts. I think some moms can just be a little weird. I think if you're deathly allergic to peanuts, you might not want to go to public school. I would've died in elementary school if I wasn't allowed to bring pb&j. Things like this just humor me. Enjoy it or hate it. Whatever. It's hilarious. 

I love reading The Daily Beast. It's a mix actual news and current events, but also throws in pop culture and I guess mix in opinions and rants like the peanut story. They kind of give you a whole rundown of what's going on in their "cheat sheet". They have really good writers, too. Check it out if you think you'd like it. I enjoy it too much.

I guess I'm going to go finish getting ready for this interview. I'm not looking forward to it! I'll post how it went later. It should be a hoot!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

No more rhymes now, I mean it!

Does anybody want a peanut?!

Livejournal seems to be dead, but I still enjoy a good online blogging so I thought I'd try this. We'll see how it goes.

It is 1 AM, which is ridiculously late for me to be up at, but I am up and am dealing with it! 

Some recent happenings are that I have decided to eat healthier and train for a half-marathon and a mini-triathlon. (If anyone out there would like to join me for my endeavor, I would love it and welcome you with the widest and open-est arms imaginable!) Currently I haven't gotten very far. The eating healthier thing is a little more difficult than I had expected, but I really have gotten a lot better and smarter about what I eat. Since I've been at UNA, fast-food had become my BFF. I've managed to break free of its goodness and convenience and focus on things that are better for my body! The only problem now is that I'm always hungry. All the healthy stuff doesn't seem to fill me up. Anyone have a remedy for this? I typically eat fruits, vegetables, trail mix, dried fruit, etc. (as far as snacks go). Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and taken! 

Other than that, school is piling up on my back like you wouldn't believe. I hate when the semester winds down and it's like the professors have to shove everything in at the last minute. My main focus, though, is that the semester IS winding down! YAY! I don't think I'll be coming home, though. We'll have to wait it out and see. Luckily I have a few days off work this week, so hopefully I can get caught up on the schoolwork I seem to be letting slip through the cracks.

I've fallen in love with Adele's debut album, 19. If you haven't heard it, check it out. It's incredibly tasteful. Gavin DeGraw also came out with a new album recently, but instead of purchasing it, I was reminded of how much I wanted to buy Chariot for so long, so bought that instead. I actually got the double disc with the Stripped version, too, which is incredible. If anyone has heard the newest album, Free, let me know what you think. 

Last thing, I haven't seen really any new movies recently. I'm dying to see Seven Pounds and Slumdog Millionaire. I know Slumdog received the award for the best picture of 2008. Hopefully, I can go rent it soon or just go buy it. I know Seven Pounds is sad, but according to everyone it is also incredible. Hopefully I'll have more to write about those soon. 

Other than that, I think I'm going to try to go to bed. Mondays are my longest days. I have way too much going on later today.
