Monday, April 27, 2009

I got the new position that I wanted at work. I'm not even sure I ever mentioned it in here, but Best Buy was undergoing some changes and my department was being split. I'm now working in the warehouse, which means I'll be working 7AM every day! WHOOO. 

I also haven't heard anything about my scholarship. I'm starting to get annoyingly anxious. I don't like not knowing.

So here is my schedule for the next two weeks (starting with today...)
Monday, 27: Class, Math Test, and work to find out where I'll be, STUDYING.
Tuesday, 28: Getting up to take a make up quiz at 7AM, class, then studying all niiiiiight.
Wednesday, 29: Earth Science Test, class, and then work at 3 til 9.
Thursday, 30: It's SUPPOSED to be dead day, but I have to work at 3 til 9.
Friday, 1: Earth Science Comprehensive Final...UGH! Going home that night...
Saturday, 2: Studying all day long for finals...
Sunday, 3: Church, Ashley's bridal Shower at church, driving back to Florence, more studying...
Monday, 4: Political Science comprehensive final at 8 AM...ugh!
Tuesday, 5: Math Final... oh boy! 
I have another final thrown in there somewhere, but I don't know exactly where yet!
Friday, 8: SUPPOSED to move into my apartment, but I don't know exactly when I'll be able to, work 3-9.
Saturday, 9: Ashley's graduation at 10AM in Mississippi, work 3-9.
Sunday, 10: Mother's Day! ...I'll probably have to work. 

Somewhere in there I will have to pick up furniture and move in (probably the week following, because I won't have school and I don't know how much I'll work...we'll see.) Needless to say, I'm going to be busy! Right now, I need to study.

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