Saturday, April 25, 2009

He looks much better as Rob Pattinson. Edward would never smoke.

not that I'm remotely attracted to guys that smoke...


oh. my. gosh. 

I'm not really wanting to be one of those panicky, ridiculous teenagers, but this is quite possibly one of the hottest, bad boy pictures I've seen...and it just increases it that much more that it is Rob Pattinson. 


I'm going to go buy GQ magazine tonight. You better believe it.

SO! Now that I've gotten that over with, let's discuss the other things going on.

I am the associate editor of yearbook at UNA. I don't know really know if I've already mentioned that. I haven't actually started yet, and I don't really know when I will. I also have absolutely no idea about the scholarship. I will update that as soon as I know. :)

Even bigger new(!) is that I just put down a deposit on my first apartment! I'm super excited about it. I get to do all the grown up things, you know, like cooking dinner and running my own home. Ha! Did I mention I'm terrified? :) I am living alone, but I know a few people in the complex, so I'll be fine. I needed a place of my own. I'm looking forward to getting out of this dorm! I should move in around May 8th. Wish me luck.

So, finals are coming up. School is almost over. I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier. I'm looking forward to summer, but I'm a little wary about it because Will is going to be going home, and I'll be here the whole my new apartment. HA! So, if anyone in Florence reads this and wants to hang out, let me know. I won't have too much going on...until July when I'll be going back to school for one class! GREAT!

I need coffee.

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