Sunday, April 5, 2009

No more rhymes now, I mean it!

Does anybody want a peanut?!

Livejournal seems to be dead, but I still enjoy a good online blogging so I thought I'd try this. We'll see how it goes.

It is 1 AM, which is ridiculously late for me to be up at, but I am up and am dealing with it! 

Some recent happenings are that I have decided to eat healthier and train for a half-marathon and a mini-triathlon. (If anyone out there would like to join me for my endeavor, I would love it and welcome you with the widest and open-est arms imaginable!) Currently I haven't gotten very far. The eating healthier thing is a little more difficult than I had expected, but I really have gotten a lot better and smarter about what I eat. Since I've been at UNA, fast-food had become my BFF. I've managed to break free of its goodness and convenience and focus on things that are better for my body! The only problem now is that I'm always hungry. All the healthy stuff doesn't seem to fill me up. Anyone have a remedy for this? I typically eat fruits, vegetables, trail mix, dried fruit, etc. (as far as snacks go). Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and taken! 

Other than that, school is piling up on my back like you wouldn't believe. I hate when the semester winds down and it's like the professors have to shove everything in at the last minute. My main focus, though, is that the semester IS winding down! YAY! I don't think I'll be coming home, though. We'll have to wait it out and see. Luckily I have a few days off work this week, so hopefully I can get caught up on the schoolwork I seem to be letting slip through the cracks.

I've fallen in love with Adele's debut album, 19. If you haven't heard it, check it out. It's incredibly tasteful. Gavin DeGraw also came out with a new album recently, but instead of purchasing it, I was reminded of how much I wanted to buy Chariot for so long, so bought that instead. I actually got the double disc with the Stripped version, too, which is incredible. If anyone has heard the newest album, Free, let me know what you think. 

Last thing, I haven't seen really any new movies recently. I'm dying to see Seven Pounds and Slumdog Millionaire. I know Slumdog received the award for the best picture of 2008. Hopefully, I can go rent it soon or just go buy it. I know Seven Pounds is sad, but according to everyone it is also incredible. Hopefully I'll have more to write about those soon. 

Other than that, I think I'm going to try to go to bed. Mondays are my longest days. I have way too much going on later today.


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