Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The times they are a changin'...

Wow! It's been so long since I last posted. I apologize! ...not that really too many people read this!


Thank God! It's been tough to say the least. I really never thought I'd make it, guys. Really. It never seemed like it would come to a close, yet here we are--a little over a week away from finals. Ah. It's such a bittersweet time. I'm stressed about the upcoming exams, but let's talk about some of the happier things up ahead:

The end of the semester means the end of my time being incarcerated in a dorm! It was always my choice to stay in a dorm because I felt like it would help me meet more people and what not. That definitely was NOT the case. I don't regret the decision to do it necessarily. I think it is an experience most everyone should have. I've been there. I've done that. I'm ready to get out---which is why I'm getting an apartment!!! [insert applause and cheering here] I'm excited about it. A full size fridge, kitchen, stove(!), a microwave over 600 watts!! Oh my gosh. I'm going to be living it up! I found this cute little one bedroom apartment in a nice quit apartment complex (filled mostly with retirees). I'm such an old person. I don't care for the "college experience".  I'm here to get in, get out, and get on with my life. The apartment deal isn't completely finalized yet, but I hope (and pray) it's going to happen. Well, actually, it needs to happen...someone's already claimed my current room in the dorm for next semester! Ha!

Honestly, that's really all there is to discuss currently. I mean, another good thing is that my class got canceled tomorrow and I'm off work, which means I have a whole day of nothingness (which will be filled up with catching up on any schoolwork I'm behind in and some slight final studying, but hey, it's still a "day off"!). 

I'm all of a sudden exhausted. Goodnight, all!

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