Monday, April 6, 2009

One and One and One is Three!

The day is not over, but I have a little down time, so I thought I'd write a bit. 

Due to my staying up so late last night, I ended up sleeping through the four alarms I set and didn't wake up until 8:40 this morning. I had a class at 9 that I can't miss anymore, so I went to class, unshowered and unkempt. It was glorious. My class after that got canceled, though, so I got to come back and shower before heading to my 11 am class.

I'm currently waiting to go interview for an editor position for the Flor-Ala (my college newspaper). Honestly, I don't think my chances of getting it are very large, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I hate interviews. I get all stuttery and sweaty and nervous. Ugh. They're dreadful. I have a hard time explaining conveying my full personality and abilities to someone in the short amount of time given in an interview. Perhaps it'll work out better than I think, but I'm not expecting much. I'm a little disappointed because I can't wear my planned outfit due to the 30 degree weather outside.

Speaking of! I got pelted with ice earlier walking to class. It was like hailing/sleeting. It was awful. I had an umbrella, but it didn't do much for me. Stupid southern, bipolar weather.  

So I posted the below "Share this" thing because I found it humorous. They evacuated a school bus for a "stray peanut"! Has kids allergies just become worse? Am I just insensitive to these things? Perhaps so. Maybe it's because I don't have kids, but I just don't see the point of making a big deal out of things that aren't necessary. If you read the article, she talks about a woman who said that her kid carries an EpiPen IN CASE he suddenly develops an allergy to peanuts. I think some moms can just be a little weird. I think if you're deathly allergic to peanuts, you might not want to go to public school. I would've died in elementary school if I wasn't allowed to bring pb&j. Things like this just humor me. Enjoy it or hate it. Whatever. It's hilarious. 

I love reading The Daily Beast. It's a mix actual news and current events, but also throws in pop culture and I guess mix in opinions and rants like the peanut story. They kind of give you a whole rundown of what's going on in their "cheat sheet". They have really good writers, too. Check it out if you think you'd like it. I enjoy it too much.

I guess I'm going to go finish getting ready for this interview. I'm not looking forward to it! I'll post how it went later. It should be a hoot!

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